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    Monday, February 08, 2010

    KPO Pig

    U know how sometimes u feel like u are being watched or eavesdropped. When u have done something guilty, tat must be a scary feeling to be watched or eavesdropped.

    However, when u are just having a regular conversation with another person and have been eavesdropped by a certain Assfuckdiot, all u will feel is IRRITATION. Not tat the conversation is a secret or tat the contents of the conversation is inappropriate...but simply tat in normal circumstances, any other person who overheard the conversation would just keep their silence and pretend they didnt hear a thing and only join in the conversation when they are invited to.

    Well, the Assfuckdiot apparently likes to stick his stinking butt in everyone's business.

    So I was having this early argument with a colleague on the pronunciation of the word "Abalone". Our views are:-

    Colleague, V: A-ba-lo-nee

    Me: A-ba-lone

    Then Assfuckdiot interrupted and said "V, u r right. Its A-ba-lo-nee. Even radio FM95.00 is correcting pple's pronunciation." (Can just imagine his gloating face tat I got the wrong pronunciation.)

    So I googled "Pronunciation of Abalone" over the internet and it turns out V is right. -_-

    Ya lah, I am not the guru of English nor an English teacher mah, its ok to get it wrong occasionally.

    But who is the Assfuckdiot to interrupt our conversation which he was not invited to?!!!

    Pronunciation of Assfuckdiot: ASSSSS-FUCK-DIOT

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