Been feeling worn out the past few days. Maybe its due to the fact tat I stopped investing long hours mapling. There is really not much to look forward to nowadays...or maybe its just I'm too lazy to ask my frens out...watever the case, I feel like resting all the time. Going to work is a drag and I constantly feel like taking leave, but too bad, I really hv not much leaves left...sad life of a contract employee.
Despite all tat, I am pretty excited abt the possibility of a fren coming to Singapore for visiting. In my mind, I am already planning the itinerary to be the tour guide (non-licensed k)...haha, at least something to occupy my time this month. Then, next month, hopefully my plan to go Genting will come true...not finalized yet but I am looking forward to it. So, 2 things to occupy me in April & May. Guess I have to look for something entertaining in June & July, or else I will be back into this semi-depression mood...