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    Friday, July 04, 2008

    "SHA LE WO BA"!!! - Kill Me!!!

    T_T sob sob...

    I feel like dying...cry...I woke up this morning...and...was getting ready to go to work...and since its Friday, casual dressing....but...but...


    *broke into fits of hysteria and sobbing non stop*

    Too much 'bing-ing' on good food and no exercise is the culprit of my state right now. T_T

    YAH, I know its my fault... *banging my head into the wall*

    So, frens...I know u meant well when u call me to meet up for lunches, dinners and drinks...but I shall now restrict myself to a maximum of 1 such gathering per week (first come first serve).

    Plus, I shall endeavour to do the following:
    - no more junk food & tidbits for myself
    - to skip breakfast whenever possible
    - drink more plain water instead of other drinks
    - weekday lunches shall encompasses soupy stuff and less starchy food
    - try to go for at least 1 yoga class per week

    Hopefully the result of the above will be a slimmer me with more savings too.

    Wish me luck!