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    Monday, August 16, 2010

    Salt vs The Last Airbender

    2 of the much anticipated movies I watched recently: SALT and The Last Airbender.

    Before watching Salt, I was in the toilet at Lido and overheard comments tat these 2 movies are not really any good. A little disappointed then coz I already bought tickets for Salt and do plan to watch The Last Airbender anyway.

    Both didn't turn out as bad though. NORMAL. Tats how I rated both movies. 2-1/2 out of 5 stars. Now some short reviews.


    So WHO is Salt? It comes as no shock itself tat Salt is Salt.

    No master disguiser at work here. Merely an American kid whose parents got killed in an accident in Russia, got recruited into a Russian spygroup, then later got adopted by the CIA. Double spy??? Yah maybe.

    The ultimate goal of the Russian spygroup is to take control over Russia. So their ringleader recruited young kids, trained and influenced them to be his pawns, plant them at various parts of the world to be his spies. These spies can stay hidden at their supposed post for years and years, waiting for msg/signal from the ringleader to carry out their assignments.

    So Salt is a Russian spy. And she got recruited into CIA which turns out to be very convenient to the Russian grp when they wanted to kill the Russian president during one of his visits to the US.
    But Salt is different from the other spies...she loves her husband so much tat she betrayed the Russian spygroup. Actually she was planted by the CIA to meet and get close to her German husband who works as a researcher. When she was captured and imprisoned by North Korea during one of her missions, it was her husband who saved her and from then I guess she fell deeply in love with him. Thus killing her husband was probably the worse decision the Russian spygroup made.

    Anyway, the storyline is ok and leaves not much for guesses except on whether she is a Russian spy (this was disclosed like midway in the movie, so no more mystery thereafter). And I am pleased to have guessed right from the beginning tat Salt's colleague/boss in CIA is also a Russian spy! Brilliant huh? No lah, just a hunch.

    Other than the above, her cool fighting actions and shooting scenes are not really tat realistic. I mean wat are the chances a female can beat up a horde of guys?

    The only mean thing abt her is her expression but tat can be mis-interpreted to be constipation. LOL.



    I never expected this to be a movie with a sequel. Also gotten some feedback tat this movie is rather boring. I think this movie might be better made into a TV series.

    The whole story and the war between the nations obviously cannot be squeezed into one movie session and I am not sure a 2 or 3 parts movie series will do it justice either.

    The storyline is a bit sketchy...though they tried to explain a lot during the start of the movie with lines and lines of words for audiences to read...but isnt it better to explain it IN the movie itself with scenes and analog storytelling???

    Acting by ANG (the avatar aka the last airbender) was so-so only. He probably knows a bit of kungfu coz his movements seem believable but oh! not so pretty....he juts out his butt a lot...looks as if he is poo-poo-ing in some of his poses. Facial expressions...bad. Cant sense any emotions from his expression...forced and unreal.

    Acting by the girl waterbender...forgettable...(so unmemorable tat I cant even remember her name in the movie). Ok more expressions than Ang but average performance coz I dun even remember much abt her....see! it might be good to have bad facial expressions like Ang coz at least I remember him. Only other thing I remember abt her is, she looked like she's dancing more than playing kungfu. Not at all convincing.

    Special effects in the movie was probably the only thing which did slightly better than average. But this too is becoming common in most movies these days.

    Oh wait, I just remember tat The Last Airbender is in cartoon too...maybe tat is better worth watching.

    Friday, August 13, 2010

    Colour Greetings

    I just have to share this with everyone.

    Was having lunch with my colleague a while ago and we were complaining abt how a certain Idiot in our office (yes yes, the same idiot whom I complained abt in my previous posts) like to answer his phone saying "Yellow" instead of "Hello" and in the most irritating manner tat sounded like "Yello~w"

    We started to come up with how we shld answer calls in different colours...and this is the best one of my colleague's son actually came up with:

    "Gr~ee-n! Gr~een!"


    "Bl~u~e are you?"

    WAHAHA........ROFL.........LMAO..........I laughed until my tears came out.......

    Dont get it? Read again...out loud this time..... ;D


    And I found this joke from the internet "All Indian Site.Com"(thanks to goon) which is one of the version the above colour greetings joke:-

    A man goes to get a job as a secretary. When the manager saw his yellow and red highlighted hair, his mind was screaming,'No, not this guy.'

    Nevertheless, he had to entertain his guest.

    Manager: "Okay, I will give you some words. Make a sentence with them and the job is yours. The words are green, pink, yellow, blue, white, purple and black."

    The man thought for a while and said: "The phone was ringing GREEN GREEN GREEN. I go and I PINK up the phone. I say YELLOW...BLUE's that. WHITE did you call? Aye... wrong number. Listen don't PURPLEly call wrong numbers and don't call BLACK."

    The manager fainted.

    Thursday, August 12, 2010

    Courtesy or ???

    Went to watch the movie "The Last Airbender" last night. Will try to write a review abt the movie and maybe finish off my review of The Inception.

    So I was rushing off to the toilet after the movie and though it wasn't crowded, 2 ladies were walking in front of me to enter the toilet. I was relieved when I entered and saw tat there were a number of empty cubicles.

    The 2 ladies were chatting, then Lady 1 went into a cubicle and Lady 2 suddenly stopped in her tracks in the middle of the narrow walkway in the toilet blocking my access to the cubicles.

    "Excuse me." I said

    And her reply was "Nevermind." And she continued to block my way.


    WHAT! I thought the common response would be to give way since she obviously didn't want to enter any cubicle.

    I MIND LOR, she was still blocking me! What nevermind!

    Ok, correct me if I am wrong. Isn't "Excuse me" an international phrase for asking pple to give way politely? Was I supposed to say "Please go away" or "Get out of my way" or put up a YOG (Youth Olympic Games) logo to give way? Hehe...tat was a funny thought abt the logo huh.

    Told some friends abt this incident and they laughed and said it will be a good tactic to use in future. Lol, ya probably to irritate some other pple. Hmmm...I shld think of a counter-response instead of just squeezing my way past tat Lady 2 last night.

    Any good counter-response suggestions?