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    Thursday, August 12, 2010

    Courtesy or ???

    Went to watch the movie "The Last Airbender" last night. Will try to write a review abt the movie and maybe finish off my review of The Inception.

    So I was rushing off to the toilet after the movie and though it wasn't crowded, 2 ladies were walking in front of me to enter the toilet. I was relieved when I entered and saw tat there were a number of empty cubicles.

    The 2 ladies were chatting, then Lady 1 went into a cubicle and Lady 2 suddenly stopped in her tracks in the middle of the narrow walkway in the toilet blocking my access to the cubicles.

    "Excuse me." I said

    And her reply was "Nevermind." And she continued to block my way.


    WHAT! I thought the common response would be to give way since she obviously didn't want to enter any cubicle.

    I MIND LOR, she was still blocking me! What nevermind!

    Ok, correct me if I am wrong. Isn't "Excuse me" an international phrase for asking pple to give way politely? Was I supposed to say "Please go away" or "Get out of my way" or put up a YOG (Youth Olympic Games) logo to give way? Hehe...tat was a funny thought abt the logo huh.

    Told some friends abt this incident and they laughed and said it will be a good tactic to use in future. Lol, ya probably to irritate some other pple. Hmmm...I shld think of a counter-response instead of just squeezing my way past tat Lady 2 last night.

    Any good counter-response suggestions?

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