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    Tuesday, June 05, 2007

    Getting Back On Track

    Feeling a bit sick since yesterday. Think I must have caught the flu from my bro and his family...poor thing, virus been circulating among them one by one...heard tat Ray got fever again T_T ....if the virus came to me and left them then good le....might as well me get stronger....

    Despite having blocked and running nose yesterday, I went for yoga last fact, I went for 2 by Yogi and the other by Ganesh...think I miss Ganesh's lesson a lot. Still my fav instructor in tat bunch. And I was rather flattered tat he noticed my fren and my absence for last week. The moment he saw us last night, he asked why he din see us last week. And I tot he probably wouldnt notice among so many others there. The workout was really good and my nose was cleared...for a while.

    But sadly it got worse today, watery eyes and continuous sneezing followed the running nose. Had wanted to take MC but just thinking abt the load of work to clear before I leave my job....well, went to work afterall. Its quite exasperating tat however fast I try to clear my work, more seems to pop am I ever going to at least round off the cases in a nice way....I din wan my colleagues to take over a load of rubbish....surely I must be able to clear some rubbish before passing on to them....hmmm.....tat was the angel in my head talking....the devil's meek voice is saying "Why the hell do u care? U are leaving the place anyway and if things get cock up, u are going to get blamed, like it or not...tats how working is, u have been thru all these."

    But the angel's voice is clearer this time, so I am trying my best...but god knows there will surely be some mess left no matter how hard I try.

    So, I am getting back on track...going for my yoga lessons again and bucking up on my work....have to get back my momentum before July. My target is to regain at least till 70% of my old working speed before I joined my new workplace. I still remember the days in Nakamichi and Zara when I was working superly fast....wonder how I did it....god help me....I need tat kind of energy back in me.

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