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    Wednesday, December 15, 2010

    Pre-End of Year Review 2010

    Had the sudden urge to blog, about what? I actually have no real idea. Maybe a little pre-end of the year review of my year 2010.

    Approaching the christmas and new year season, cheerful spirits and lightened moods greet me with open arms. I try to put the negative thoughts, feelings and energy behind me. And focus on the joy and gratitute for wat life/god has endowed/given me.

    Lots to be thankful for: my loving family, my loyal friends, my accomodating colleagues (at least some of them....hmm...away negative thoughts), good food to fill my stomach, money to buy my needs & some wants, a stable job with its ups & downs (though I still feel like changing job...for advancement purposes), sound & peaceful sleep at night, opportunities for travel to see the world (my firm trip and short trips), etc etc...

    I never really like making resolutions but I do have a few wishes for the year to come.

    Year 2011, please grant me the following wishes:

    1) Better health - LESS OR NO MORE: bodyaches, neckaches, chest pains, gas-sy/bloated stomach, flu, sore throats, coughs.

    2) Become less irritable

    3) Find a better job with great colleagues + good bosses + good pay

    4) Be able to clear all credit card debts and save lots of money

    5) A little windfall will be much appreciated

    6) Blessings to my family and friends that they have a good Year 2011 as well.

    May all our wishes come true!

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