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    Thursday, April 07, 2011

    "They're milking you to your death!"

    After months of absence....I am going to blog a simple short post....

    Why did I disappear for this period of time?

    Coz it was the transition period when I was getting bored of my old job, hunting for a new job, got a new job, serving my notice in old job, starting new job and familiarizing myself in my new job. Good summary?

    Fact is, today is exactly 1 month since I joined this 2nd law firm in my whole job history and the work here is killing me!

    It wasnt that my last job was very slack but it had come to a point I know how to do the job there well and didnt have problem coping...this new job allows me to come in touch with a lot of new stuff I never did in the old firm (so its good for me in the long run). That plus the fact tat I had to learn a new file system that they used in this firm called "Leap". Now, tat is a challenge.

    Oh, this post is getting a bit long....need to get back to my work figures, figures is wat I came to blog abt.

    In old firm, I handled like 10 active cases at 1 go plus other conveyancing cases (cant count this coz its shared).

    Here...the statistics goes like that:-

    1st day of work - 19 cases

    End of 1st week of work - 24 cases

    End of 3rd week of work - 29 cases

    1 month into the job - 34 cases!

    What my friend said is..."They're milking you to your death!"

    Hmmm...just becoz I dun say that I am stressed...or just becoz I didnt grumble like others when work get dumped at me, doesnt mean that its ok to keep dumping k...arghhhh....... (Curious to see how the statistics go in a few weeks' time? Tune in to this blog.....)

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