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    Wednesday, September 22, 2010

    Gifts - value or thought?

    U know the old saying tat when buying a gift for someone, its the thought tat counts and not the worth/value of the gift.

    I always kept tat in mind when picking up a gift for someone. Be it for birthday, anniversary, wedding, newborn, housewarming, christmas, new year or watever occasion. I will think if the gift suited the person, whether he/she will like it and/or whether its useful to him/her. Can't say tat I am spot-on correct everytime but at least I put some thought to it.

    So wat is the recipient side of the story?

    People might say "thank u", "I love it", "its just wat I always wanted" or some niceties as response.

    I find tat I generally only have the "thank u" response, then I take the gift without further expression or action. Thereafter if u see me using the gift
    , it probably means I love it n its useful. But if the gift never see the light of day after it has broken out of its wrapping, then it might mean I dun really fancy it. But hey think of it the good way, I might treasure it so much tat I can't bear to use it.

    In any case, I do appreciate all gifts from my friends n love ones. If u dun fall into those 2 categories, well then it will depend very much on the gift itself.

    Wat irks me most is a type of person who opens his/her gift n start eyeing on others' gifts. whether to compare or out of envy/jealousy. Then he/she will make remarks as to how he/she thinks the gift is not to his/her liking. Hello? Where is common courtesy and gratitude to the person who bought the gift?

    Hell! Its worse when one asks another how much angbao/red packet $ he/she has received from the same source...shameless...

    So the next time u buy a gift or receive one, do put some thought into it.

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