I remember learning this word "Civic Mindedness" from primary school. Its roughly about how we shld be mindful of others and be considerate to them. If everyone cares abt others, the world will become a better place...yah...tat kind of crap...oops! ok lah, not really crap but its just too impossible to implement this kind of theory in modern world.
So, with tat in mind, I tot of 2 incidents I encountered recently.
Incident 1Just now when I went to pack food for lunch, I saw 3 of my colleagues (shall not name them) chatting on a small flight of stairs just outside my office building. They were blocking the route down and though there is an alternate route to walk out of the office building...they sort of made themselves a nuisance to others. Initially I wanted to approach and remind them tat they are blocking the walkway, but my typical "bo chap" self took over and I just ignored them and walked the other route out.
Lesson 1: When u are fat and the staircase is small, dun block the way.
Lesson 2: When u wana chat with ur fren, go some corner where u are not blocking others.
Lesson 3: When u walk away just like I did, u are not civic minded either. So, u are probably not any better than those pple who are a nuisance.
Incident 2This happened 2 weeks back when I was taking bus home. I forgot to bring my discman tat day and had to endure the journey w/o my music (which I am normally ok if taking an MRT...but bus...well, I need my music). Just as the journey started, I heard some noise emitting from someone's handphone on the bus. Apparently the person decided tat everyone on the bus share his interest in watever "music" tat he likes...I find it more of a noise pollution. Then, as if in protest, I heard sounds of some old swordsman drama playing. An "uncle" was watching his swordsman drama on his portable DVD player. Omg my god...imagine modern music clashing with sounds of dialogue and sword fighting scenes. Well, to top it off, the guy sitting next to me decided to read his newspapers by stretching his hands apart and cramping me to my little corner. Gosh...3 idiots in the same bus...try to win tat...Zzzzz
Lesson 1: Bring ur discman, MP3, MP4, or hp with radio function next time when u take public transport. Also bring a pair of earphones so tat u do not disturb others.
Lesson 2: When u wana show off ur new hp function, go show it to pple who care.
Lesson 3: When u are an uncle, comb ur hair like a curry puff (hehe!), and wears a big o-biang gold ring, dun try to show off ur pathetic IT gadgets like the portable DVD player. Kids these days go for MP4.
Lesson 4: If u are super busy and need to read newspapers on public transport to save time, fold ur newspapers in half or quarter to read! Tats why those papers are light and easily foldable...
Now, go think abt how we can all be civic minded to make this world a better place...