(This posting was suggested by my 2nd bro, hehe!)
1) it becomes a ritual tat u have to play everyday.
2) u start cancelling appts in order to stay home to play
3) u start rushing home after work so tat u have more time to play
4) u gobble and swallow ur dinner at the fastest time possible to create more time to play
5) OR u put ur dinner into a single plate n eat in front of the PC
6) u put entries into the blog abt the game
7) friends start saying tat u have "no life"
8) u start dreaming abt the game
9) u talk non-stop abt the game with ur bro who also plays the game
10) u plan for the future of characters in the game
11) u start making faces at ur bro using the facial expression available in the game
12) u chat with other online players n start making appts to play the game together
13) u start talking abt your characters as if they are individual beings with different personalities
14) u answer calls when playing the game and tell callers that u are busy gaming and have no time for conversation
15) u start bitching in front of the PC when other players snatches ur kill or things in the game
16) u get fits when other players in the game irritated u
17) u stop watching all the TV shows tat u used to watch so tat u have time to play the game
18) the game is ur only entertainment
19) frens ask u wat r u gg to do on Valentine's Day and u reply tat u're gg home to play the game
20) u start serving the net to check out more details, hints n tips on the game