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    Friday, January 19, 2007

    BIG Business

    Been meaning to write this post a few days ago but was kinda busy. Too sleepy in the morning, curing my hunger during lunch and brain dead after work...hahaha!

    Anyway, wonder if all of u have such experiences in toilets as below...

    We all go to toilet to do BIG and SMALL businesses. The SMALL business normally takes a short time and u will be out of the cubicle in a jiffy, wash & dry ur hands and then exit from the stinking (sometimes not) toilet. BIG business, on the other hand, can be a bit tricky. Its fine when its urgent and the business gets done fast. But....Constipation! Ah...tat can be the worst situation...u may get stuck in the toilet for minutes or even hours. Ohh...I am gg out of topic :P

    Well, we all know how BIG business needs concentration and often creates unpleasant smell. In the confines of ur own home, all these seem pretty insignificant. But when u are in a public toilet, toilet in another's home or office can be a bit embarrasing if the sounds and smells reach others. Oops...I am digressing again... -_|||

    So, we all agree that BIG business need a certain level of silence and calmness of environment to be completed. And then, the most irritating thing happen! U hear someone talk in the toilet. The sudden voice hits u and u know u are no longer alone...caught in the act of doing BIG business! (Ok, the person cant see...but he/she can certainly hear or smell ur existence) paiseh -_||| Then u hear another person reply and a conversation started in the toilet...WHILE U ARE DOING BIG BUSINESS, OMG!!! I am sure that we, being humans with high moral values, will refrain from listening on others' conversation. But the fact is that all the talking is distracting u from doing ur BIG business T_T and u probably fear that the smell u create might disgust others and as a result u feel embarrassed.

    Frankly, I dun understand pple who choose to talk in the toilets. Greetings and short small talk is fine. But there are those who choose to chat and gossip in toilets! (I happen to know a few...No, I do not chat w these pple in toilets! I heard them...) Wat is wrong w them? Do they love the toilet environment sooo much? Or do they just want to sniff some of tat "natural smell"? Dun they know that they are causing inconvenience to others?

    Personally, I have been in such situation and I thoroughly hated it. Was doing BIG business in the cubicle and heard pple chatting away in the toilet for a whole 10 mins ba...wat a torture! I was constantly distracted during my act and after I was done, I was too embarrassed to go out of the cubicle until the pple left the toilet.

    Did u have similar experience before while doing BIG business? OR Are u one of the pple who chat and gossip in the toilet?

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