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    Friday, June 02, 2006


    Just heard this news yesterday primary school classmate, Jane, passed away from a motor accident. Was rather shocked to receive phonecall from my other primary school classmate and although I have lost touch with her since primary, the news still left me a weird feeling. Sad news, no tears from me...but still feel a certain kind of regret tat I didnt keep in touch with her. Now tat she is gone, there is no more chance to rekindle this friendship.

    I was reading the newspaper this morning (there is a new paper called "Wo Bao" in chinese, now given out free daily) and actually saw an article reporting her accident and death. It was thru this short article tat I found out tat she was the captain of our national rugby team (I think "Gan Lan Qiu" should be rugby right?). After losing contact for 15 years, this is as much as I know abt her life before she passed away...isnt it sad?

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